Embrace Your Books: Stop Fearing Your Financials!

Do you find yourself hiding from your numbers?

Are you afraid to embrace your accounting? ย Youโ€™re not alone. ย For many new (and some not so new) business owners, the idea of cracking into your financials can be daunting.

I was talking with a friend the other day who has her own mental healthย practice. ย She has a fantastic office manager who takes care of all of her billings and bookkeeping and whom she relies on absolutely. ย When I asked her if she wanted to learn more about managing her finances so sheโ€™d know for sure where her practice stands, she said โ€˜I just donโ€™t want to knowโ€™.

Sheโ€™s like a lot of professional women out there. ย She just wants to go to work, help her patients, and make a decent living. ย This is a woman who excels at her profession, is well-respected in our community, and is busy raising her young family. ย The last thing she wants to worry about is the nitty gritty of managing her books.

I get itโ€ฆI really do.

It took me a long time to learn my way around good money management, both personally and professionally. ย Iโ€™m the daughter of a doctor and a midwife, both successful in their careers. ย I went to a well-respectedย liberal arts college in the Midwest and, despite my great education and professional parents, until the age of 28, I had zero idea how I should be managing my own money or how a successful business runs.

And the truth is, I didnโ€™t really care to know. ย I was just as afraid of financials as my friend. ย Dealing with financials made me want to bury my head in the sand and thatโ€™s exactly what I did. ย Often.

Fast forward three years. ย I had married a smart, frugal man and, as often happens when you start sharing a life with someone, my financial outlook significantly shifted. ย I started to be interested in learning how to be smart with money. ย My career was taking off and I was being given the opportunity to learn financial operations and to work on a business degree. ย My money mindset had significantly changed.

A seismic shift.

Over the years, I learned the ins and outs of running a professional business and earned my MBA. ย The possibilities for growth that good money management creates was intriguing to me and I enjoyed the structure of bookkeeping.

At the same time, I was also becoming aware that many of my friends werenโ€™t making the same journey I was. ย Many of them were still afraid of money for one reason or another. ย We all have our own money baggage and it definitely takes time to sort it out.

On my own money journey, Iโ€™ve come to realize that for many women, money is scary. ย Even wildly successful business women. ย Sometimes it seems that the more successful we are, the scarier it becomes.

Hereโ€™s the deal.

As a business owner, you shouldnโ€™t just leave the accounting to someone else. ย Learning how to manage your finances is your privilege and your responsibility. ย Really strong, successful entrepreneurs are on top of their money and know how to use it effectively.

You can too! ย It doesnโ€™t have to be so frightening or foreign. ย With a little study and experience, getting a handle on your books can become second nature. ย Wouldnโ€™t it beย great to feel more in control of your business?

Being able to know exactly where you stand at any point, to build a strong foundation for your company, and plan for your future is liberating.

Itโ€™s time to transition

For so many people, learning how to care for their books (and by extension their business) comes late in the game, if at all. ย This doesnโ€™t have to be you!

Learn about your books and build your business on a solid financial foundation. ย Itโ€™s impossible to be truly successful if you donโ€™t know where you stand (and itโ€™s not a great idea to assume that your staff has you covered).

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